Mainly for the interest of those who might be working with me through Corona Books UK or Cavalcade Books, here are some nice things people have said about me and my ability as an editor.
Lewis was incredibly supportive in helping me get my book published. Nothing was too much trouble and he was patient in dealing with my dumb questions. He was incredibly knowledgeable and showed great attention to detail. It was money well spent and I will definitely be working with him again on my next publishing project.

Mitch Sullivan, author of On Recruitment
Like many authors I love the creative process of writing, but have total allergy syndrome where the technical details of publishing are concerned. Also like many authors, I am very vulnerable to cowboy editors and proofreaders, many of whom have done at most a 2-week online course in proofreading and still can’t spot typos. Having been stung by a few of these who just crossed a few Ts and took my money, I was hugely relieved to work with Lewis Williams on my 34th book to be published in the UK and the USA. I honestly can say no editor in my career – even the senior editors at Pearson Education (who published one of my earlier books) - could touch Lewis’s gentle but determined focus on every last comma, every last page numbering and every last choice of the right word. And when I squirmed and screamed about detail, his answer shut me up very fast: “it’s what we’re doing here that makes this a professionally published book.” Considering the junk that is out there on Amazon and elsewhere, often with excellent content but full of mistakes and published in a scruffy, cheap-looking way, it’s what Lewis Williams does that will make any publishing project a polished, professional success.

Suzan St Maur, author of Mischieverse and numerous
non-fiction and humour books
Lewis’s work is of an excellent standard and extremely useful. I would definitely recommend him. His editing of my work was very sympathetic to the nature of the story and really helped me to clarify the time period that I set my piece in and helped me to avoid linguistic anachronisms that would have been out of place in a period story. His proofreading was very thorough, and he picked up things I wouldn’t have spotted myself – and I had already proofread my work several times!

S.J. Menary, author of 'all things macabre' with work published in numerous anthologies
Lewis is very good at working with you. He makes suggestions which only enhance your writing, and works with your writing style. He’s extremely professional with a very keen eye and his methodical approach means that you can be confident that any mistakes have been ironed out.

T.R. Hitchman, author of Child of Winter
Lewis has experience of writing for a wide range of genres (popular, biography, fiction, humorous, academic). He understands how each of these different genres work, and is able to bring his editing skills to bear accordingly. I had written what I thought was quite a good short story with a slightly gruesome twist, but it was originally written with children in mind and I wanted to adapt it for an adult audience. I couldn't see how to do this without destroying the flavour of the original story, so I asked Lewis to edit it. I was extremely impressed with the end result. Lewis managed to carry out a very delicate edit, removing any trace of anything that could be deemed childish while leaving the bulk of the story untouched, so that even I found it hard to see where the cuts had been. I particularly appreciated the fact that he didn't 'over-edit'. The resulting story was entirely suitable for inclusion in an adult anthology.

S.L. Powell, author of Fifty, Fifty and Visible Ink
Writing can be an intensely personal exercise, but it is important to realise that it’s possible to be too close to something one has written to see what’s wrong with it. Lewis provides extremely professional editing and accurate proofreading. His attention to detail meant mistakes were spotted that others would have missed. I’d strongly recommend Lewis as a first-class professional.

Philip Onions, author of Whitefaced Woodland Sheep Society Flock Profiles
Lewis’s editing ensured that my story made chronological sense to those who read it. I knew what was happening behind the scenes but tended to forget that others didn’t. It made the story clearer. Lewis was very empathetic when editing my story. He never failed to understand that it was my 'baby' and treated it accordingly. Also, the proofreading of my work was exemplary.

Sue Eaton, author of The Woman Who Was Not His Wife
Lewis helped to lift my book from (IMO) ‘great’ to ‘brilliant’. It certainly helps to have someone with not only an eye for detail, but also an inventive mind in your corner. I would certainly recommend him if a friend needed the services of an editor. His attention to detail shines through and makes the finished product more readable. He has an intelligent and professional approach to his work which, in partnership with his creative input, has greatly enhanced my work.

Keith Trezise, author of Frogmorton Culpepper Saves the World

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