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About Lewis

This page covers a bit about me, my education, background and experience - mainly for the interest of those who might be working with me through Corona Books UK or Cavalcade Books.


I’ve always had a love of books and must have read and owned hundreds, if not thousands, in my time. I’m the author or credited editor of several myself.


I’m educated to Masters level with a Masters degree in Philosophy from Oxford University and a first degree with first class honours with distinction in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) from the University of York.


Although it beckoned, I ultimately decided against pursuing a purely academic career. I did, however, work for the University of Oxford for a number of years in a number of different roles.


Those roles were all in some way related to writing or editing, and for the two roles that were most related to writing or editing I received outstanding merit pay awards: one in respect of the two years I spent working in the Department of Social Policy researching and writing for the book A Generation of Change, A Lifetime of Difference?; and one in respect of the two years I spent coordinating the University’s Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division’s return to the government’s research assessment exercise, in particular providing editorial input on the material outlining the impact of the university’s scientific research.


My first published book, however, saw the light of day back in 2006: Scott Walker - The Rhymes of Goodbye (published by Plexus, London). This was followed in 2008 by the above-mentioned A Generation of Change, a serious academic work on social policy co-written with Martin Evans (published by Policy Press, Bristol).


In 2015 with the support of others, I set up the publishing business Corona Books UK. My own trilogy of rude limerick books (The Great British Limerick Book, The Scottish Limerick Book and The Oxbridge Limerick Book) was published under the Corona brand. (I’ve always said these books were born out of a love of language, as well as, I admit, a love of Carry On style humour.)

More recently, I have edited The Corona Book of Horror Stories book series, also contributing stories to the first, third and fourth books in the series. I'm especially proud of 2019's The Third Corona Book of Horror Stories, which was compiled from the best of the best of over 800 short story submissions received from authors wanting to be in the book. Also in 2019, I completed a revised and updated edition of my book on Scott Walker for Plexus Publishing Ltd.


Unfortunately, in 2020 the Corona brand suffered the enormous misfortune of entirely coincidentally sharing its name with a virus that became a pandemic and shook the world. At the time, there seemed to be no alternative other than to  put Corona Books' publishing activities on indefinite hold.  Nevertheless in 2022, by which time it had become more common for people to use the term "Covid-19" than "coronavirus", we published The Fourth Corona Book of Horror Stories. A fifth volume may yet follow one day.

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© Lewis Williams 2018-2025

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